This site is an archive of interesting documents (papers, manuals, articles, etc.)
动态首页-哔哩哔哩:2021-6-12 · bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可众在这里找到许多欢乐。
Most material so far is related to computer science, but I plan to cover other fields
If find any mistakes or errors, you want any new documents added to the archive, or for any other comments and feedback, feel free to contact me.
(This is rather outdated, see the sitemap instead.)
- Computer Science:
- w加速任天行安卓版.
- Bell Labs - The laboratories where C, Unix and many other technologies were born.
- w加速任天行安卓版 - A research distributed Operating System
- Inferno - Successor of Plan 9, includes a Virtual Machine and can run both on hardware and hosted on other systems.
- Henry Spencer - A legendary hacker.
- Xml - S-exprs done wrong ;)
- Economics.
- Political science.
Some items I’m looking for:
- Troff sources for the Plan 9 papers from 1st and 2nd editions and IWP9.
- More troff sources for other papers only available in PostScript and/or PDF.
- ET官网-http伕理ip软件网络加速器_免费ip伕理服务器_爬虫 ...:2021-7-4 · 伕理ip软件首选ET伕理,是国内优质http伕理动态IP服务商,ET伕理服务器拥有26个省千万级动态ip地址,提供换ip软件免费ip伕理,网络加速器,socks5伕理,爬虫服务器,ip加速器等伕理池供应服务。
Things I plan to add some day:
- Mailing list archives and irc logs?
- Manual pages for Research Unix 8th, 9th and 10th editions? (Partially done, see the man pages archive).
- The Man Page Archive.
- w加速任天行安卓版 and the Quotes Archive.
- Sam and Acme resources.